THE GAME CIRCLE (From now on"The Game Circle"or "Company" We respect and attach importance to the privacy of private life. For this reason, the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (hereinafter:“KVKK” We would like to inform you about your rights regarding the use and protection of your personal data.
1. Data Controller
As The Game Circle (hereinafter referred to as “GC”), we inform you that we process your personal data as a data controller within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (hereinafter referred to as “KVKK”) and other relevant legislation.
2. Processed Personal Data Categories
In accordance with the KVKK and other relevant legislation, your personal data in the categories of identity, communication, financial information, physical space security, legal transaction, customer transaction, transaction security will be processed within the scope of the purposes and legal reasons specified in the Clarification Text within the scope of the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698. .
3. For What Purpose Personal Data Will Be Processed
Your personal data,
• Execution of communication activities,
• Execution of storage and archive activities,
• Carrying out activities to ensure business continuity,
• Execution of contract processes,
• Carrying out the necessary work by our business units to benefit you from the products and services offered by our company,
• Ensuring the legal, technical and commercial job security of the persons involved in the business relationship,
• Follow-up of financial and/or accounting transactions, including invoicing, follow-up of legal affairs, planning and execution of corporate communication activities,
• Execution of goods and service sales processes,
• Execution of logistics activities within the scope of goods and service sales processes,
• Execution of Advertising / Campaign / Promotion processes,
• Receiving and evaluating suggestions for improvement of business processes,
• Execution of customer relationship management processes,
• Carrying out activities for customer satisfaction, for the purposes specified in Article 5 (2) of the KVKK, “a) It is clearly stipulated in the laws”, “c) It is necessary to process the personal data of the parties of the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract”, “ ç) Obligatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation”, “e) Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right, f) Data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data controller”. shall be processed within the scope of legal reasons.
4. To Whom The Processed Personal Data Can Be Transferred And For What Purpose
Your personal data will be transferred without seeking the explicit consent of the data subject in accordance with Articles 8 (2) (a) of the KVKK for the following purposes:
• It may be shared with the contracted financial consultancy firm, notary public, enforcement offices and/or courts, if necessary, for the purpose of carrying out financial and/or accounting works within the scope of collection of fees for products and services.
• In order to fulfill the legal obligations in accordance with the relevant legislation, it may be shared with the relevant public institutions and organizations, if necessary or upon request.
• In order to follow the legal processes, it can be shared with our lawyers as much as necessary within the framework of the confidentiality obligation.
• Within the scope of goods and services sales processes, it may be shared with the contracted logistics company in order to deliver the contracted goods or services.
5. Method and Legal Reason for Personal Data Collection
Your personal data is obtained verbally, in writing or electronically, by automatic or non-automatic methods, based on the legal reasons specified in Articles 5 (2) of the KVKK, in order to fulfill the purposes specified in paragraph (c) of this text:
• Sending e-mail messages, contacting by phone call, filling out the forms on the website and contacting through social media platforms.
• Business card sharing during fair or seminar visits.
• By filling out or editing a form/document/promissory note by you.
6. International Transfer
Information and communication technology applications and software (“IT Systems”) (Microsoft Office365 e-mail software and online meeting and remote connection software) will be used within the scope of the conduct of our business activities. The infrastructure and databases of these services are located abroad. Your personal data will be transferred abroad "with your explicit consent" due to the fact that the infrastructure of the IT Systems and databases used for the purposes of carrying out communication activities are located abroad.
7. Your Rights Under Article 11 of KVKK
Within the scope of Article 11 of the KVKK, you have rights as a data owner and you can submit your requests regarding these rights by filling in all the information specified in the Related Person Application Form, Article 11 and paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the KVKK and Application Procedures and Principles to the Data Controller. Pursuant to the Communiqué on
• Via our registered e-mail address as,
• In order to be able to identify your identity and not to give information to the wrong people, in writing, through a notary public or by registered mail with return receipt,
• You can send it by sending an e-mail to or by other methods to be determined by the Board in the future by using secure electronic signature, mobile signature or (if any) the e-mail address notified to our Company and registered in our systems.
To transfer my personal data abroad through these systems, as the infrastructure and databases of the IT Systems used for the purposes of carrying out communication activities as specified in the Website Clarification Text are located abroad,
Yes, I approve ☐ No, I don't approve ☐
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